LIDAR Motor: Sourcing a Replacement

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LIDAR Motor: Sourcing a Replacement

Post by lothian »

Botvac D7 Connected

I got the dreaded "3000" error msg in the Neato app, accompanied by the wonky movements that indicate a LIDAR fault. I removed the motor and bench tested it with a DC power supply; I got zero movement up to 14vDC. The motor appears to be sealed so there's no disassembling the thing. Thus I'm pressed to source a replacement.

A handful of harvested LIDAR motors are available on eBay, and I can certainly go that route. But I'd prefer to replace a new, compatible motor into this D7. Plenty of posts causally suggest removing a motor from a PC DVD drive. I wager not one of these folks has actually done the deed. I disassembled two drives; among the three motors within, none are a suitable replacement for the LIDAR motor shown below.

Other than purchasing used, where does one source a new bolt/voltage-compatible DC motor to replace the OEM LIDAR motor?
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Re: LIDAR Motor: Sourcing a Replacement

Post by Fmassimi »

I just did this again and I refuse to pay the absurd prices for a dedicated replacement. Basically these are toy 4.5 to 6 Volt 3600 rpm motors. Look on Amazon and buy the cheapest. I got a pack of 3 as they will again in about a year. Here is how I did it

When you wire it in make sure the lidar spins counterclockwise wise regardless of wire colors as these motors are not made to an exact spec so rotation direction is not the same.
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Re: LIDAR Motor: Sourcing a Replacement

Post by JohnSilver »

Fmassimi wrote:I just did this again and I refuse to pay the absurd prices for a dedicated replacement. Basically these are toy 4.5 to 6 Volt 3600 rpm motors. Look on Amazon and buy the cheapest. I got a pack of 3 as they will again in about a year. Here is how I did it

When you wire it in make sure the lidar spins counterclockwise wise regardless of wire colors as these motors are not made to an exact spec so rotation direction is not the same.
Thank you friend! this information of yours was very helpful for me. Especially the remarks about the rotation of the new motor. He really turned the other way! Now everything is OK! :cheers:
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