How long before I can send PMs.

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How long before I can send PMs.

Post by dkbryant »

how long will PM's sit in my Outbox before being sent. I've had one there for a few hours, but try as I might I cant get it to ever show up in the "Sent" folder after I hit submit.

Something I'm missing.

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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by Fraggboy »

dkbryant wrote:how long will PM's sit in my Outbox before being sent. I've had one there for a few hours, but try as I might I cant get it to ever show up in the "Sent" folder after I hit submit.

Something I'm missing.

-Dan <11011011>
Dan, they sit in the 'Outbox' for a while. The PM's are sent almost right away, the system takes a little bit to transfer over to the 'Sent' folder.

Send me a test PM and I will reply once I get it.

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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by mfortuna »

I believe what happens is the message stays in the outbox until the recepient opens it, then it shows up as sent.
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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by vic7767 »

Mike is correct. That's what happens when I PM members.
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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by dkbryant »

Yes, all is good. Thanks
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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by bhylak »

My droid does that.

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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by robotreviews »

mfortuna wrote:I believe what happens is the message stays in the outbox until the recepient opens it, then it shows up as sent.
That is exactly right. It is done this way so that you know whether it's been received or not, and also to allow you the chance to delete the message if the recipient hasn't read it yet.
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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by mfortuna »

bhylak wrote:My droid does that.
Droid? I figured you would have an Iphone Ben.
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Re: How long before I can send PMs.

Post by bhylak »

I would, but I have Verizon. I have a jailbroken iPhone that i use as my ipod cause it's got a camera... AT&T sucks.

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