Need advice about Roomba Discovery

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Need advice about Roomba Discovery

Post by 9er »

My Roomba Discovery,much loved and deeply appreciated, started having trouble detaching from the home base a few years ago. Being a little pressed at the time, I just put the pieces into a box and sort of forgot. Recently, I took it all out again and took my Roomba to a local repair shop. They kept it for 3 weeks then called me to say it was beyond them. I need advice: Should I just junk it or try again to find a repair? I really loved this Roomba and would make a reasonable investment to repair it but if that's nuts, please let me know. Thanks.
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Re: Need advice about Roomba Discovery

Post by mfortuna »

If you left the battery in it the entire time the battery is completely dead and could also damage the charging system.

If the battery was not left in it then you can run diags by following the procedure in the read me first sticky.
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Re: Need advice about Roomba Discovery

Post by 9er »

Thanks. Unfortunately the battery was in it all this time. It does appear to charge and will back away from the charging base about 1 time out of 4 but it just spins around and then stops. When I put it back into the base, it flashed red.
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Re: Need advice about Roomba Discovery

Post by vic7767 »

You can head over here: and read about what is happening inside your Roombas charging system.
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