First of all, excuse me for bad English. This is not my native language. The text is pretty big and I was too lazy to translate it myself, so I used Google Translator.
"Advanced navigation" with the use of lighthouses in the iRobot Roomba 500-800-series suggests the presence of a radio module in the robot.
But the radio module is present only in the most expensive models of each series.
To be able to work with lighthouses and radio remote control, it is not necessary to change the entire robot or PCB.
We look:
Differences between Roomba 5xx-6xx boards - are on the right with a radio module (a green square), on the left without:
Differences between Roomba 7xx-8xx:
In addition to the radio module, for Roomba 5xx-6xx we will need:
U21 - 74HC4050
C217 - 10nF
R519 - 104 (100 kOhm)
R466 - 101 (100 Ohm)
R467 - 101 (100 Ohm)
R445 - 752 (7.5 kOhm)
R515 - 752 (7.5 kOhm)
In addition to the radio module, for Roomba 8xx, we will need:
U7 - 74HC4050
C57 - 10nF
R117 - 104 (100 kOhm)
R118 - 101 (100 Ohm)
R119 - 101 (100 Ohm)
R120 - 752 (7.5 kOhm)
The radio module can be desoldered from the lighthouse (they are the same in the robot and the lighthouses), from a faulty PCB or purchased separately on E-Bay.
Kit for implantation of the radio module:
As practice has shown, soldering this set of parts to the robot board is enough to get the functionality of "hier" models.
Resistors R120 and R121 (7.5 kOhm) must be installed on the additional PCB 800-series Roomba for the radio to work.
On the additional PCB Roomba 700 Series, it's impossible to achieve a workable "buttons and radio module" combination. The radio module works only in the combination of resistors "R120 is installed, R121 is not installed". But then the sensors work, not the buttons. Any other resistors combinations - is buttons without a radio module.
Add a radio module to Roomba 5xx-6xx, 8xx
Add a radio module to Roomba 5xx-6xx, 8xx
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