Selfmade universal VW for Roomba/Scooba and Chinese robots

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Selfmade universal VW for Roomba/Scooba and Chinese robots

Post by Serge_ISA »

First of all, excuse me for bad English. This is not my native language. The text is pretty big and I was too lazy to translate it myself, so I used Google Translator. :oops:

A project on my favorite :wink: ATTiny13 microcontroller.

Scheme of the universal virtual wall on Atmel AtTiny13:

After installing the batteries, an automatic adjustment is made for the type of battery (2 AA elements or one Li-Ion) - the LED flashes 1 time, after which the wall switches to the “deep sleep” mode to save batteries.
The wall is activated by a fixed button / switch. If the switch is returned to its original state, then the wall works after switching on ~ 1.5 hours, then automatically turns off.
If the switch is left in the "On" position, the wall runs continuously until the batteries are discharged. In any case, the first 1.5 hours after switching on, the combined IR command for Roomba and Scooba is transmitted,
after - only the IR command for Roomba is transmitted. This mode of operation is chosen for maximum battery saving, but not at the expense of universality. During operation, the LED makes short flashes every 9 seconds.
If you need to turn off the wall "ahead of time", you need to briefly switch the switch to the "On" position (the LED will light up constantly), and after to the "Off" position - the wall will turn off (1 LED flash).
The project implemented the highest possible power saving mode.
When the batteries are discharged below the minimum, the wall will flash with a LED once a second, the IR signal will not be transmitted.

Test board on top:

Test board bottom:

In the case of the Chinese PowerBank:

Circular diffuser option:

For a circular diffuser, you can use infrared LEDs with a diameter of 10 mm, drill out the top:
Circular diffuser - 10mm infrared LED:

The controller can be used as a "repair" when restoring the original virtual walls.

A separate version was also written for working with a Chinese robot. But I do not remember robots model. :oops:
Who needs it, check it yourself. The format of the IR commands: raw (16): 32136 2800 -700 2750 -700 750 -2750 700 -2750 700 -2800 2800 -700 700 -2800 700

Firmware -
Fuses are the default.
Other my projects can be viewed here - ,
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