Lowcost motor replacement in AeroForce Bin Roomba 8xx/960

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Lowcost motor replacement in AeroForce Bin Roomba 8xx/960

Post by Serge_ISA »

First of all, excuse me for bad English. This is not my native language. The text is pretty big and I was too lazy to translate it myself, so I used Google Translator. :oops:

The "good" owner washed AeroForce Bin - the brushless motor was killed:

As far as I know, the motor is not sold separately. :cry:

And suddenly it seemed to me that the seat place of the motor is surprisingly similar ...:

... on the seat place of the Vacuum_Bin and AeroVac_Bin Roomba 500/600/700-series motor:

And really, voila! The old motor fits perfectly into new place! :shock:

Top view:

Bottom view:

View under the the bottom cover:

View with the pump impeller:

View through the bottom cover:

Impeller pump in place:

But on this coincidence is not over!
Motor consumption (voltage 16V) in the dirty Vacuum Bin was 200 mA.
The consumption of a cleaned and lubricated motor is 135 mA,
Motor consumption in AeroForce Bin without filter - 620 mA,
Motor consumption in AeroForce Bin with filter - 550 mA!
Surprisingly - the same amount consumes the original motor! :shock: :shock:
The exhaust is subjectively also very reminiscent of the exhaust from the original AeroForce Bin. :wink:

AeroForce Bin with the old motor tested with different robots - works great!

PS: The current cost of the new AeroForce Bin in the official store is 55$!
Other my projects can be viewed here - http://roboforum.ru/forum90/ , http://ixbt.photo/?id=user:1114936
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