RoomBud: the roomba scratch protection with style!

No More Naked Roombas!

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RoomBud: the roomba scratch protection with style!

Post by Bartman »

I just ordered a ladybug RoomBud to prevent my roomba from scratches. Ha I bet you RoomBud lovers never thought of this usage for the RoomBud before :-).

No really, these covers are also great as a perfect scratch protection for this robot. I used tape before to protect it from scratches but it looks a bit ugly and can leave nasty glue stains. The roomba is simply not tender enough to prevent itself from scratches. Bumpy little thing :-).

Ok, it also looks cute as a ladybug, I totally agree on that :-).

Greetings from Switzerland :D
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Post by Todemesne »

Damn. I wish I'd thought of this use for a roombud sooner! I'm not particularly worried about my Zelda3 getting scratched. But what I am miffed about is the small nicks in the wood of my BRAND NEW dining chairs. All six have very small nicks in the same place on each leg. I know they were not there before roomba. :cry:
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Post by Bartman »

I am not sure if the RoomBud would prevent from nicks in wood unless the bumper area would perhaps be cushioned by some sort of foam to prevent this from happening. The Roombas are a little bit strong to bump gently into things.

Here is a picture of the new ladybug Roomba cover attached to mine:


Looks really cute and I can still see the glowing charging light with the attached cover.
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