Hi Kaleva - I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the Linux board - please keep us posted.
I'm going a similar route, but using a new Fon router, La Fonera 2.0 that has just come out in Europe which has USB. That opens a lot of doors, esp when you put linux on it.
Greg's Scratchpad Thread on Roomba Comm Hacking
Re: Greg's Scratchpad Thread on Roomba Comm Hacking
I am using the Roombacomm Java library to program the Roomba Create
I am facing a straing problem with programming the Roomba create to
move forward. Whenever I ask it to move x mm forward it seems to move
only x-50mm forward. However when I ask it to move x mm backward it
does so correctly.
Besdies this, the obstacle detection using bump(), bumpLeft() and
bumpRight() do not seem to work for me.
Any suggestions ?
also is using the autoupdate feature in the RoombaComm constructor a
good option to measure the distance moved by odometry ?
I am using the Roombacomm Java library to program the Roomba Create
I am facing a straing problem with programming the Roomba create to
move forward. Whenever I ask it to move x mm forward it seems to move
only x-50mm forward. However when I ask it to move x mm backward it
does so correctly.
Besdies this, the obstacle detection using bump(), bumpLeft() and
bumpRight() do not seem to work for me.
Any suggestions ?
also is using the autoupdate feature in the RoombaComm constructor a
good option to measure the distance moved by odometry ?